Sunday, May 17, 2009

Recession Buster # 60: Food, Fun & Frugality

Clara is a lovely lady who lived through the Depression. Yes, that's with a D, not an R-this recession is " a piece of cake" in comparison. She has published some recipes that her family used when money and groceries were hard to come by. Clara's Pasta with Peas-Peel & dice 1 potatoe &1 onion. Put in pot with oil & fry 'til soft. Add 1 can peas with liquid. Add salt & pepper & enough water to boil 1 cup pasta. Bring to boil, cover & cook 5-10 minutes (turn off heat to save energy) Serve with grated cheese. I haven't tried this, but it sounds good. Everyone likes to save money, but now it's especially important. For instance, carpool when possible. For short distances, walk! Buy fruits & veggies in season-at farm markets, cook large amounts and freeze part. Save on babysitting-trade nights out with friends. One of my all time favorites-buy large packs of bar soap, unwrap each one to store (airing them lets them harden & last longer). Everyone has time & money saving tips, so ask friends and relatives (especially those over 50) and you might be surprised at how much you learn and save!