Saturday, November 7, 2009

# 61: Craftspiration!

While looking at the various craft sites in this exercise, I found something that I had never seen before and thought it looked like fun. I've embroidered before, but didn't know you could use crayon tinting (using crayons to fill in color, thereby eliminating all the stitches needed for that). This neat idea was found on the Pimp Stitch website and it had pictures and written instructions that made it easy to understand. The Repurposeful site told how to use items for other than their original purpose. Who knew so many things could be improved by using WD40! While learning crafts by watching a video is helpful, I prefer to have written instructions accompanied by pictures-which many of the websites had. Actually, the use of both would be best. I like to watch the video, then have pictures with insrtuctions. This method may be too much info for some, but I'm a slow learner and need all the help I can get.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

#65 Coin Collecting

I've never collected coins for fun-only for profit. Even then, they were the small coins that seem to accumulate at the bottom of my purse or my husband's pocket. They get put into the appropriate roll and taken to the bank. I dug around in a piggybank of old coins and came up with a bicentennial Kennedy half dollar. Wanting to know it's worth, I checked the Historical Image Library, but it wasn't any help. I was going to look in the Red Book at the library, but while checking other areas, I found it on ebay. To my sorrow, it wasn't worth much-guess I won't cash it in just yet. Using the Professional Numistmatists Guide, I found several local coin dealers, but I won't be visiting them. However, their websites were interesting. I'm not seriously interested in being a coin collecter, but I did collect all the state quarters-just for fun. However, if I should happen upon a 1894 Morgan dollar, I might change my mind! FYI- it's worth $9,200.00.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Crafts and Hobbies #66: Knitting & Crocheting

I have crocheted before, but never knew the history and that was interesting. I tried knitting, but for someone as uncoordinated as I am, just using one implement seemed to work better. I've made several items, but my favorite is an afghan with a zigzag pattern. The websites with crochet "how to" and various patterns were good. I especially liked a video on how to crochet a necklace. It was done on a thin wire with beads- I didn't know that wire would be pliable enough. I may have to try it. I haven't crocheted in a while and this exercise has renewed my interest. I'm going yarn shopping! Our library has a Knowledge Exchange on Fri. afternoons. All ages are welcome to come, converse, and learn to knit and crochet.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Recession Buster # 60: Food, Fun & Frugality

Clara is a lovely lady who lived through the Depression. Yes, that's with a D, not an R-this recession is " a piece of cake" in comparison. She has published some recipes that her family used when money and groceries were hard to come by. Clara's Pasta with Peas-Peel & dice 1 potatoe &1 onion. Put in pot with oil & fry 'til soft. Add 1 can peas with liquid. Add salt & pepper & enough water to boil 1 cup pasta. Bring to boil, cover & cook 5-10 minutes (turn off heat to save energy) Serve with grated cheese. I haven't tried this, but it sounds good. Everyone likes to save money, but now it's especially important. For instance, carpool when possible. For short distances, walk! Buy fruits & veggies in season-at farm markets, cook large amounts and freeze part. Save on babysitting-trade nights out with friends. One of my all time favorites-buy large packs of bar soap, unwrap each one to store (airing them lets them harden & last longer). Everyone has time & money saving tips, so ask friends and relatives (especially those over 50) and you might be surprised at how much you learn and save!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

#56 Twitter

When I first read this exercise, I hadn't heard about Twitter-accept in relationship to birds. I learned a lot about it in Twellow. Neat things -like Foodimentary (who knew 3/18 was National Oatmeal Cookie Day!) The Twitgroup was interesting & informative. In Twitter Elite, I researched the top users in Houston (alas, no one I ever heard of). After exploring further, I discovered even TurboTax has Tweets! Two of the local television stations have mentioned that you can send them Tweets. This stuff is everywhere!! As much as I enjoy reading other peoples opinions, I don't have much interest in tweeting about mine. BORING! However, I do like the format, it's short and tweet!